How To Make Your Own Wheel of Fortune Puzzle

To make your own Wheel of Fortune puzzle, you’ll need a few supplies. Let’s get into it.

Gather Your Materials: Cardboard, Spinner, Letters and More

First, get a large piece of cardboard to use as the base. A rectangular shape works well, around 2 to 3 feet wide and 3 to 4 feet long. You’ll want something sturdy but still easy to cut and manipulate.

Next, gather letters. You can buy pre-made letter tiles, or get creative and make your own using wood, cardboard, felt or magnetic letters. You’ll want the full alphabet, plus some extras like ‘Free Play’ or special prizes. Arrange the letters in a circle on your board, leaving space in the middle for the spinner.

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Speaking of Wheel of Fortune Puzzle, you’ll need to make a spinner with sections labeled dollar amounts or even bankruptcy. An arrow spinner with a braided elastic band and paper clips works great. Secure the spinner in the center of your board so it can spin freely.

Finally, gather prizes for players to win, like gift cards, movie tickets or snacks. You’ll also want something to represent ‘Free Play’ like a tiny trophy or medal.

Make the Puzzle Board Base and Wheel

Once you have your material, here are the steps:

  1. Draw a great circle in the center of the board. Use a compass to make it perfectly round. For an authentic Wheel of Fortune feel, make the circle about 20 to 24 inches in diameter.
  2. Divide the circle into 24 equal wedges. You can use a protractor to measure exact angles of 15 degrees for each wedge. Or do it freehand – just aim for roughly the same size and shape for each wedge.
  3. Number each wedge from 1 to 24, going clockwise around the circle. Write the numbers large enough to be easily read from a distance.
  4. In the area surrounding the circle, you’ll write the dollar amounts for each wedge.
  5. For the wheel mechanism, attach a sturdy rod through the center of the circle that can spin freely. Secure the rod firmly to the board so it remains parallel to the surface.
  6. Attach the wheelbase to a wall or vertical board to allow it to spin. Add a handle or knob to the end of the rod so it can be easily spun.
  7. Give your wheel a test spin to ensure it’s secure and balanced before playing your first game! With some paint or stickers, you can further customize your wheel to make it even more fun.

Design and Attach Your Custom Puzzle Wedges

Now that you have your wheel and wedges cut, it’s time to design your custom puzzle. This is where the fun begins! You have free reign over the phrases, names, or categories you feature on your wheel.

Choose a Theme

Pick a theme to help guide your puzzle wedge designs. Some classic Wheel of Fortune themes include:

  • Cities or countries
  • Popular movies, TV shows or books
  • Food and drink
  • Hobbies and leisure activities

You can also create a more personalized theme featuring friends’ or family member’s names, inside jokes, or favorite places you like to visit. Think about what kinds of puzzles would be the most fun for you and your players.

Create Your Phrases and Wedges

Once you have a theme selected, start brainstorming phrases, names or categories to feature on your wheel wedges. For a city-themed wheel, you might have wedges like “New York City”, “Paris” or “Tokyo.” A movie-themed wheel could include “Gone with the Wind,” “Star Wars” or “The Wizard of Oz.” Please get a bit creative and come up with at least 24 options to fill your wheel.

Attach the Wedges to Your Wheel

Carefully attach each wedge to your wheel with strong double-sided tape, hot glue or wood glue. Make sure each wedge is secure before spinning the wheel. You may need an extra set of hands to hold wedges in place as the glue dries. Take your time with this step, you want your finished wheel to withstand lots of spins!

With your custom Wheel of Fortune Puzzle attached, your DIY Wheel of Fortune board is ready to play. Gather some friends or family members and start calling out letters to solve the Jigsaw Puzzle!

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