Word Games You Can Play Outside

When it comes to outdoor fun, many people immediately think of sports and physical activities. However, there’s another side to outdoor recreation that’s equally enjoyable and intellectually stimulating – word games. Engaging in word games outdoors not only provides a change of scenery but also offers numerous cognitive benefits. In this article, we will explore a variety of word games you can play outside to make the most of your time while enhancing your vocabulary and language skills. Outdoor word games for adults as well as kids include:

1. Word Relay

How to Play:

  • Divide into two teams, each with at least two players.
  • Choose a theme or category for your words (e.g., animals, colors, fruits).
  • Create a starting line and a finish line for each team.
  • Players take turns running from the starting line to the finish line while saying a word related to the chosen theme.
  • The catch: Each word must start with the last letter of the previous word.

Example: Team 1: “Cat” -> Team 2: “Tiger” -> Team 1: “Rhino” -> and so on.

End of Game:

The game ends when one team runs out of words or when a designated time limit is reached. The team with the most words in the relay wins.

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2. Word Scavenger Hunt

How to Play:

  • Find a large outdoor area with various objects that can be used as clues.
  • Prepare a crossword grid with some words filled in and some blanks.
  • Hide clues around the area, each corresponding to a word on the grid.
  • Players must find the clues and fill in the grid with the correct words.

Example: Clue: “A yellow fruit” -> Word on the grid: “Banana”

End of Game:

The first player or team to complete the grid with the correct words wins.

3. Word Tag

How to Play:

  • Gather at least three players; one player is designated as “it.”
  • Choose a category or theme for words (e.g., names, countries, movies).
  • “It” chases other players while they say words from the chosen category.
  • If “it” tags a player, that player must stop and say a word from the category.
  • If a player can’t think of a word or repeats a word, they become the new “it.”

End of Game:

The game continues until you decide to end it.

4. Word Hopscotch

How to Play:

  • Use chalk or tape to draw a hopscotch grid on the ground, with each square containing a letter or a blank space.
  • Choose a small object to toss, like a stone or a beanbag.
  • Players take turns tossing the object onto the grid and hopping on squares to spell out words.
  • Players can only hop on one letter per square, can’t hop on blank spaces, or squares that have been used.


Object lands on “A” -> Player hops on “A-P-P-L-E” or “A-N-T.”


Players score one point for each letter in the word.

If a player misses a square or hops on an incorrect letter, their turn ends, and they lose their points for that word.

5. Word Bingo

How to Play:

Create bingo cards with words related to a theme or category (e.g., animals, colors, fruits).

Have a caller who randomly draws words from a bag or a hat.

Players mark off the words on their cards as they hear them from the caller.

The first player to mark off five words in a row, column, or diagonal shouts “Bingo!” and wins.

Outdoor word games are not only entertaining but also a great way to exercise your brain while enjoying the beauty of the outdoors. So, the next time you head outside, consider adding these word games to your list of activities for a memorable and intellectually stimulating experience.

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